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Getting involved in health and social care research

The Royal College of Occupational Therapists is working with the JLA to identify the research priorities for occupational therapy in the UK. The project is guided by a Steering Group made up of occupational therapists, health and social care professionals, people with experience of accessing occupational therapy services and their carers. Isaac Samuels, co-chair of the National Co-production Advisory Group at Think Local Act Personal, shared his thoughts on getting involved with this project.

Published: 12 May 2020

James Lind Alliance in Canada

Tamara joined the team as a JLA Adviser in late 2019, as part of a collaboration between the JLA and the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH). She updates us on JLA work in Canada.

Published: 22 April 2020

Tailored engagement strategies for our unique landscape

Britney Duncan (pictured), Research Coordinator, Respiratory Research Centre, University of Saskatchewan, talks about how their PSP team knew from the start that they would need to think “outside the box” when it came to engaging Saskatchewan residents with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) to find out their treatment-related questions.

Published: 07 April 2020

REPRISE reporting guidelines

How do we know if a prioritisation exercise is legitimate and that the resulting priorities are credible? We can only make that judgement if things are reported transparently and comprehensively – and unfortunately for the world of research priority setting, historically this hasn’t always happened.

Published: 27 March 2020

Collaborating to maximise the impact of autism research

Dr James Cusack, Director of Science at Autistica, describes how the charity has worked with the NIHR to address some of the autism community's priorities following completion of the Autism PSP.

Published: 17 December 2019

Sally Crowe and Kristina Staley reflect on their recent evaluation of JLA PSPs

Success isn’t only about getting a priority research topic funded, as Sally and Kristina found to their surprise when they talked to a wide range of people with an interest in JLA PSPs. Taking part in a JLA PSP can also transform the people, the research culture and the organisations involved.

Published: 25 October 2019

Reflections from new JLA Advisers

Jonathan Gower and Suzannah Kinsella joined the team as new JLA Advisers earlier in 2019. We asked them to write about their experiences so far now that they are both working with PSPs. Very appropriately, they decided on a Top 10 of what has struck them as most interesting and valuable about the JLA PSP process.

Published: 22 October 2019

Priority Setting Partnerships starting work in Africa

Two new JLA Priority Setting Partnerships (PSPs) are now planning their work to develop locally appropriate research priorities by bringing together technical experts and experts by lived experience, regardless of social status, age, literacy level and internet access.

Published: 17 October 2019

Using JLA PSP priorities to train future doctors

Professor Jackie Cassell, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, spoke to the JLA about how the school has used PSP priorities for a number of years to provide real-life research questions to help educate future doctors about research methods.

Published: 12 August 2019

Charities fund research around the priorities from the IBD PSP

Guts UK is a charity set up to increase the levels of research into diseases of the gut, liver and pancreas. Since 1971 Guts UK has funded almost 300 projects and invested £15 million pounds into medical research. Last year, in collaboration with forCrohns, Guts UK asked researchers to put forward proposals for research on Crohn’s disease that the two charities could fund, based on the research priorities identified by the JLA PSP in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Published: 28 June 2019