
From 2013-14 the Mesothelioma Priority Setting Partnership (PSP) brought together people with mesothelioma, their families, carers and the healthcare professionals who treat them to help set priorities for mesothelioma research.  It gave them a chance to highlight mesothelioma research that would make a difference to them, so that the most important questions for research could be identified.

Formed by the James Lind Alliance and funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research, the PSP was guided by a steering group of mesothelioma patient charities and clinical groups.

See news from this PSP:  July 2015May 2019

The Mesothelioma Top 10 was published in December 2014. 

After the results were announced, Professor Dame Sally C. Davies FRS FMedSci, Chief Medical Officer at the time of the PSP said: 

"I would like to thank all the people who have contributed their ideas and suggestions, and the partner organisations who have supported this tried and tested process.  With their help I believe we have built a genuine consensus - and a real impetus.  I hope the research community will now respond by generating new research proposals that will provide robust evidence to help people with mesothelioma." 

Key documents

Mesothelioma PSP Protocol