Glaucoma Top 10

  1. What are the most effective treatments for glaucoma and how can treatments be improved?
  2. How can loss of vision be restored for people with glaucoma?
  3. How can glaucoma be stopped from progressing?
  4. What can be done to improve early diagnosis of sight-threatening glaucoma?
  5. What causes glaucoma?
  6. What is the most effective way of monitoring the progression of glaucoma?
  7. How can glaucoma patients with a higher risk to progress rapidly be detected?
  8. Why is glaucoma more aggressive in people of certain ethnic groups, such as those of West African origin?
  9. How can glaucoma be prevented?
  10. Is there a link between treatment adherence and glaucoma progression and how can adherence be improved?

The following questions were also discussed and ranked in order of priority at the workshop:

  1. How can a structural test based on nerve condition that would be a good predictor of visual field loss be developed?
  2. Can reliable methods of self monitoring eye pressure be developed and improve outcomes?
  3. How can damage to the nerve structure of the eye be prevented before glaucoma is diagnosed?
  4. Can any dietary measures, dietary supplements, lifestyle changes or complementary therapies slow the progression of glaucoma?
  5. How can the optic nerve be protected from damage due to fluctuations in eye pressure that may not be detected in the clinic?
  6. What effect does cataract surgery have on glaucoma?