Rare Inherited Anaemias

There are very few treatments available for rare inherited anaemias.  In some cases there is no treatment at all.  Sometimes all that is available is blood transfusions.  Because these conditions are very rare, there is very little research being done about them.

The specific anaemias that this PSP is worked with are:

Diamond-Blackfan Anaemia, Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anaemia, Congenital Sideroblastic Anaemia, Red Cell Membrane Disorders, Red Cell Enzyme Disorders, Transfusion-Dependent Unexplained Inherited Anaemias.

Dr Noémi Roy, the clinical research fellow who lead the PSP, said:

"This has changed how I practice medicine. It has changed my understanding of what it means to listen to patients. It has changed the language I use when I speak with them. Most importantly it has changed my vision of how to deliver the care we give them. It has made it our vision."

The Rare Inherited Anaemias PSP published its Top 10 in June 2018.

Key documents

Rare Inherited Anaemias PSP Protocol

Rare Inherited Anaemias PSP Terms of Reference