Priority 18 from the Healthcare Associated Infections Project

UNCERTAINTY: How can chest infections be prevented in elderly people admitted to hospital? (Priority 18)
Overall ranking 18
JLA question ID 0088/18
Explanatory note Elderly people admitted to hospital are more prone to develop chest infections, which can lead to confusion and sepsis (spread of bacteria in the blood stream with potential to result in organ failure). There is uncertainty in how to prevent chest infections in elderly people admitted to hospitals.

None identified

Health Research Classification System category Infection
Extra information provided by this project
Original uncertainty examples How to prevent chest infections acquired in hospital among elderly people?
Submitted by  1 x miscellaneous
Project information
Project unique ID 0088
Project name Healthcare Associated Infections
Total number of uncertainties identified by this project. 259  (To see a full list of all uncertainties identified, please see the detailed spreadsheet held on the JLA website)
Date of priority setting workshop 28 February 2019