Foot Health

The foot is a complex and intricate structure – a testament to the engineering of the human body.  With 26 bones, over 30 joints and more than 100 muscles tendons and ligaments, our feet require careful maintenance if they are to function effectively during the activities that we undertake on a daily basis.  The average person will walk approximately 2.5 times around the world in their lifetime, that’s a lot of mileage and means that almost everyone will suffer from some form of foot problem during their life.

This PSP was established in 2018 by the School of Health and Society at the University of Salford and was funded by the William M Scholl Endowment Fund.

The Foot Health PSP Top 10 was published in November 2019.

Here is PSP leader, Chris Nester, talking about the launch of the initial survey on 1st November 2018.

After the final priority setting workshop, Chris said to Tricia Ellis, the JLA Adviser who worked with him on this PSP:

"Many thanks for yesterday and the final list – I have to say reading it I am quite proud! It’s a great list, very contemporary, reflecting wider national health trends, policy and what we hear in clinics. It is also different than where foot health research resource has been spent in the past, so impact will be high!"


Key documents

Foot Health PSP Protocol

Foot Health PSP Steering Group Terms of Reference

Foot Health PSP Engagement Summary