Emergency Medicine

There has been considerable change in the area of Emergency Medicine since these original priorities were agreed in 2017, as well as a considerable amount of research done against the priorities. The Emergency Medicine community is now working to agree an update to these priorities, in the Emergency Medicine Refresh


Emergency Medicine is a broad subject area, and includes a variety of different medical subject areas, such as acute medical emergencies, minor illness and injury, major trauma, acute mental health problems and the management of elderly patients with complex co-morbidities and social problems. Paediatric emergency medicine is outside the scope of this PSP.

Academic Emergency Medicine has blossomed in the last two decades, and emergency medicine researchers are now performing large prospective randomised controlled trials on emergency patients to answer the most pertinent clinical questions. Research prioritisation is important for shaping future research questions in Emergency Medicine. Funded and organised by The Royal College of Emergency Medicine, this PSP helped to involve all relevant stakeholders in the process.

The PSP was formally launched in September 2015 at the Royal College of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting.  The PSP's initial question gathering survey received more than 200 research questions. By working with patients, carers and clinicians to reach consensus, the PSP was able to publish a list of 30 research priorities.

See news from this PSP: September 2017October 2015.

The Emergency Medicine Top 10 was published in January 2017.

Professor Jason Smith explaining the Priority Setting Partnership and why it’s important

Key documents

Emergency Medicine PSP Protocol

Emergency Medicine PSP Steering Group Terms of Reference