
This PSP was set up to identify and promote the clinical research questions of greatest importance to children and adults with tumours arising in the brain or spinal cord.

PSP Lead Dr Robin Grant said "This is a unique opportunity for people who have been affected by brain or spinal cord tumours to influence the direction of future clinical research to improve the diagnosis, treatment and management of these tumours."

The video below introduces the Neuro-oncology PSP. 

Kathy Oliver (below) of the International Brain Tumour Alliance giving an overview of the purpose and scope of the Neuro-oncology PSP survey.  

The PSP was funded by brainstrust, The Brain Tumour Charity, Brain Tumour Research, Children with Cancer UK, The Cochrane Collaboration, NHS Lothian and the Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation.

The Neuro-oncology PSP Top 10 was published in February 2015. 

See news from this PSP: September 2020

Key documents