Intensive Care Top 10

The Intensive Care PSP identified these questions as the top 3 in importance to patients, carers and health professionals:

  1. How can patients who may benefit from intensive care be identified early and admitted to the ITU at the right time?
  2. How can patients and their families be best supported as they start living at home again (e.g. health and social care services, ICU support groups, long term follow-up)?
  3. What is the best way to identify patients with, or at risk of delirium or agitation – how should the immediate and long term effects of delirium or agitation be monitored and managed?

These were the other high priorities identified (in no order of priority):

  • What is the best way to prevent, diagnose and treat hospital acquired infection (e.g. ventilator associated pneumonia, blood stream infections related to the use of invasive lines)?
  • When should physical rehabilitation start and what rehabilitation methods during and after critical illness achieve the best outcomes for patients?
  • How can we enhance patient comfort during Intensive Care (i.e. minimise pain, discomfort, agitation and anxiety) and does this improve patient outcome?
  • How can the physical consequences of critical illness (such as muscle wasting, weakness, nerve damage) be prevented and what is the best way to support recovery from these after intensive care?
  • What psychological support should be provided for patients in Intensive Care?
  • How can we predict who will benefit from intensive care before admission and during treatment in the ICU?
  • What is the best way of ensuring new knowledge and the latest defined standards are introduced into clinical practice in a timely and effective way?
  • How can we use the experiences of patients and families to improve intensive care?
  • What is the best way of preventing damage to the lungs of patients receiving respiratory support (ventilation)?