Children's Cancer

The Children’s Cancer PSP identifed gaps and unanswered questions in research about children’s cancer (under 16 years old) from patients, carers and professionals’ perspectives and then prioritised those that these groups agreed were the most important for research to address.  The scope of the PSP included all types of cancer and cancer-like conditions, from pre diagnosis though to palliative and end of life.

The PSP was being funded by the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) and The Little Princess Trust.

See news about this PSP: September 2021

The Children's Cancer PSP Top 10 was published in November 2022.

Key documents

Children's Cancer PSP protocol

Children's Cancer PSP Steering Group terms of reference

Children's Cancer PSP question verification form

Children's Cancer PSP engagement summary

Children's Cancer PSP survey information video for younger children

Children's Cancer PSP survey information video for older children (suggested age 8-12 years old)

Children's Cancer PSP final report